Once you have the custom map files, move the it into the “Random” folder of your AoE2HD installation. best mods for Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition (aoe2de) by voice of texnoforge. If you don't know, Age of Fantasy is a total conversion of AOE2:HD (2013) edition, currently available on Steam. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. You may need to run … home Age of Empires 2 HD: The African Kingdoms. not imho.Age of empires 2 hd mods Game Mods > HD Hotkeys HD Hotkeys by Justin - 41411 downloads. Like you say plenty of other games out there that do have higher limits. I'd rather put 6 well defended Trebuchets to work pummelling the enemy walls and knocking out thier stables and barracks than make a massive army to do the same. I remember the 200 limit being introduced but quite honestly I rarley used it. I don't remember what the limit was back all those years ago.

To answer your question 75 limit makes you use more skill. Choosing the best defenders and attackers from those troops available is far more fun than building up a massive assault force and letting a large percentage of them get killed in your attack. I've even played some games without losing any men. I don't rush my enemies and often let them get quite powerful while I grab al lthe resources and establish good bases with kill zones. Personally I enjoyed re-playing all those old campaigns. A good General doesn't use troops as cannon fodder. It's more about strategy and resource management. AOE is about commanding massive armies, not pitiful little squads. No way I'm playing this game with a measely 75 limit. Who wants to play the game with less troops? The best RTS games are the ones where there is no population limit, or there is one so high as to not be significant restriction, like 200. What I want to know is why this limit exists now. Originally posted by Ohio9:Not interested.