She named those two as Erangelio Mendoza y Rogelio Garfias. She added that two leaders of a "guerilla movement", the name of which she did not specify, were known to now be involved in the strife in the city. The state's attorney general announced that the leaders of the APPO insurrection are well known and that arrest warrants have been filled out against them for vandalism of public and private property, assaults and robbery. If the shooter isn't pursued with vigor, the government loses a lot of credibility with this one. The government has managed to more or less retain the high ground throughout this insurrection, but incidents like this don't help. One female employee was hospitalized with a bullet fragment in her left breast. This morning, two thugs fired two bullets into the offices of Las Noticias, a virulent anti-government newspaper. They warned the employees that if the station was restarted "We'll be back". The thugs also got into the station's parking lot, slashing tires and painting slogans on cars. The emergency services number 066 remains out of operation. Yesterday morning, a group of masked thugs attacked the emergency channel studio (066, like our 911) and did sufficient damage to cause it to suspend operations. That's the second bus torched at the university. Last night at about 10:00 PM, a group of youths tossed a gasoline bomb into a hijacked bus parked inside the grounds of Benito Juárez University.